Automobile Accidents Work-Related Injuries Offshore Accidents
Three Steps To Follow When You've Been Involved In An Accident:
1. Call the police and have a police report filled out.
2. Call the insurance company or attorney to set up a claim.
3. Call Riverbend Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation at (985) 307-0977 to have your injuries evaluated and properly treated.
Riverbend Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive rehabilitation programs for people injured in car accidents. It all starts with a thorough examination by both the Chiropractic Physician and Medical Doctor to determine the nature and extent of your injuries. This may or may not include x-rays depending on the nature of your accident. Once the injuries have been fully assessed, treatment begins immediately.
Injuries from an auto accident do not always appear immediately. With the type of injuries suffered in these types of accidents, pain might not appear for 12 to 48 hours following the accident.
Injuries from an auto accident do not always appear immediately. With the type of injuries suffered in these types of accidents, pain might not appear for 12 to 48 hours following the accident.